

Next Militaria Fair:

March 30th, 2025

October, 12th 2025

March 22th, 2026


The Militaria Fair of Keep Them Rolling opens for the public at 09.00 and closes at 15.00. As the exhibitors need all the time before 09.00 to set up their booth, no visitors will be allowed to enter the Militaria Fair before 09.00.

Money bills of € 50 or higher are not accepted.

Should you want to bring purchases to your car during your visit, please ask for a stamp at the entrance/exit in order to prevent you have to buy a new entrance ticket.

Note: No pets or other domestical animals are allowed at the Militaria Fair. No smoking inside.


Exhibitors need to register for the Militaria Fair of Keep Them Rolling, preferably at least a week upfront in order to guarantee you a booth or location in the exposition hall. See ‘Register’ on this website.

Trucks and/or trailers as point of sale can only be positioned in the exposition hall on Saterday October 5th, 2024 between 8.00 and 12.00. Please mention upon registration the size of your truck/trailer.


It is possible to bring your merchandise on Saterday March 29th , 2025 between 12.00 and 16.00 and set up your booth (cars allowed inside the hall).

The exposition hall is open for exhibitors on Sunday October 30th , 2025. From 07.00 til 09.00 to bring their merchandise to their booth. We expect all exhibitors to have their booth ready at 09.00.

NOTE: on Sunday it is not allowed to enter the exposition hall with cars!

So bring a hand trolley to transport your merchandise.

Cars and trucks of exhibitors need to be parked at the Parking at the back of the exposition hall. Please follow the instructions of the organisation (recognizable by yellow slipovers).

NOTE: it is not allowed to spend the night in your car of truck at the Parking.

As exhibitor you receive for the first location and/or stand two entry tickets, one for you and one for your co-worker. Further co-workers are regarded as visitors and need to pay the entrance fee.

The use of the restrooms is free.


You can register as exhibitor on this website under ‘Register’. As the ground floor of the exhibition is limited and sale outside the building is prohibited, we urge you to register. Only by registration we can guarantee you a booth at the Militaria Fair.


All exhibitors are required to leave their booth clean and tidy at the end of the Militaria Fair. As organizaton we expect exhibitors to take all trash and debris before leaving the exposition hall.

Should you leave bulky waste, we will have to charge you € 10.00 per kilo.